Hi everyone, I hadn't posted on this topic earlier but I ordered a Born VZ on July 12, with a maximum date of January 31, 2025. Here in France with the bonus and discounts, I was able to take the Born with a lot of options (no basic full options version) for 41.5K.
The car was built from January 6th, and it is in transit to France, I should have it by the last week of January or the first of February. Fingers crossed...
For your information, in France no email for the steps of the order... Just the contacts with the salesman...
Sorry if I'm writing in English... But this forum being the best in my eyes concerning the Born...
Hello Simmy
Etat aussi en approche de commander une Born, je serai ravi d échanger avec toi
Et si tu pouvais me partager qqs trucs pour obtenir une aussi offre que la tienne, je t’en serai reconnaissant